
The Main public Health Problems Today

The Main public Health Problems Today

Throughout the evolution of the human race, in one century or another, humanity has faced health problems. There was malaria, plague, chicken pox, etc. Therefore, health problems arrive over time, and after treating a health problem, there is another mystery that awaits your solution.

Currently, health problems are increasing at the same rate as medical facilities. The main cause of health problems is inaction in a person’s life due to technological advances. The following lines show the main health problems at this time.

Nutrition and lack of physical activity:

Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are the main causes of health problems today. Lack of physical activity causes many problems, such as:

  • Different types of cancer.
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes

In general, physical activity is associated with age, however, even young people are currently inactive due to technology. In addition, in addition to the lack of physical activity, unhealthy and unhealthy diets are another cause of numerous health problems.

Obesity and overweight:

Perhaps the most obvious problem in the world in general and in the West in particular is obesity and overweight people. Being overweight or obese significantly increases the probability of death due to:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Respiratory problems
  • Lack of sleep

Therefore, to stay healthy, you need to know about obesity and the factors that cause it. Instead, you should opt for muscle building and fitness supplements to stay healthy and fight obesity.

that cause it. Instead, you should opt for muscle building and fitness supplements to stay healthy and fight obesity.

Alcohol or drug abuse:

In general, substance abuse refers to alcohol and drugs. There are two factors that are generally less related to older people, but older people, such as young people, can also use alcohol and other illegal drugs, which can lead to serious health problems. In addition, self-medication is another form of substance abuse that is common these days.


Tobacco is the only preventable cause of diseases and health problems. The effects of smoking on health are obvious, so you should stop smoking as soon as possible, and your doctor may need help to quit smoking.

Mental health:

Dementia is not a product of aging; rather, there are many other factors that play a decisive role in the onset of dementia. This may be caused by:

  • Disease
  • Hearing or vision problems.
  • Response to medications
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Diabetes

There are many forms of dementia, however, the sooner it is diagnosed, the better it will be treated, which will help improve health.

Environmental quality:

Although pollution causes the same damage to all who are exposed to it, numerous studies indicate that ethnic and racial minorities, low-income people are more likely to live in areas where there is a greater risk to the environment. Therefore, people living in those areas are environmentally vulnerable to health problems and other health problems.


Today there are many health problems facing several regions of the world. It is necessary to conduct a thorough study of these problems and determine the causes of these problems and their solutions.

Published by Franz Kafka