
Difference between cargo services and shipping companies

Difference between cargo services and shipping companies

There are many types of businesses that provide transportation services. Some businesses specialize in the transport of certain types of goods, while others provide general shipping services. The most common type of transportation business is the trucking company. Trucking companies provide transportation services for a variety of different types of goods. These companies typically have a fleet of trucks that they use to transport goods from one location to another.

Cargo Services:

Cargo services are businesses that specialize in the transport of certain types of goods. These businesses usually have a fleet of trucks or other vehicles that are specifically designed to transport the type of goods they specialize in. Cargo services may specialize in the transport of certain types of goods, such as food or medical supplies. They may also specialize in the transport of certain types of vehicles, such as boats or RVs.

ongkir Surabaya Malang

 Shipping Companies:

  1. Shipping companies are businesses that provide general shipping services. These businesses usually have a fleet of ships that they use to transport goods from one place to another.
  2. Shipping companies usually have contracts with other businesses to transport their goods.
    1. These businesses may be manufacturers, retailers, or other businesses that need to ship goods Shipping companies may also provide other services, such as warehousing and logistics.

Cargo Services and Shipping Companies:

The main difference between cargo services and shipping companies is the type of transport they specialize in. Cargo services specialize in the transport of certain types of goods, while shipping companies provide general shipping services. ongkir Surabaya Malang the process is carried out by a courier service that we cooperate with, the courier service that we use is a service that is reliable and has been widely used by many people in the community.

Meaning of cargo management:

Cargo management is the process of organizing and overseeing the transportation of goods. It involves coordinating the transportation of goods in order to ensure that they arrive at their destination on time and in good condition.


There are many other types of businesses that provide transportation services. These businesses typically have a fleet of vehicles that they use to transport goods from one location to another.

Published by Franz Kafka